Today's pic

Today's pic
My Grad.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Big Reunion

Hey guys, time to make a new post.

I got back to Chiang Mai, Thailand last December. There was a high school reunion party where all of us who lost their way for 10 full years gathered, drink and talk.

If you track down my Picasa web album, you will see how I have changed. Well, somebody at the party does not remember me (at all, in one worst case). Nice to see you guys there and keep up a good work.

I have also visited Pai, a nice little town surrounded by mountains. Bangkokians (same way we use Parisian) were fascinated by its climate and cuty little cafes. For me, it is just "another version" of northen town which is similar to my home town. No wonder why my parents said "nothing much interesting" when they were there.